Weekly Demand Report

Problem Statement

  • Does the business follow the Pareto principle
  • Does the operational area of the store influence number of orders?
  • Are emails and product features on the homepage an effective mode of promotion?
  • Project URL: PowerBI-project

Project Approch and Solution:

The First and foremost step of PowerBi data analysis is Data Sourcing, makeing the connection to the data source and it presents the available data sources in the Navigator , Data Cleaning is the Next Step in the Analysis Process, then Loading the Data to te POwerbi, Using the Data Next step would be data Visualization and Exploration, then Need to create a dash board in such a way that it meets the requirement of the Problem Statement, Since PowerBi also has programing Part Called DAX, it can be used to create new measures to Solve the Problem easly.

The Approch Which i have use here is use of linechart for For Casting, Use of bar chart to represent the Influence of the orders based on the operational area, And Used Combo Chart to Check weather the Bussines is influenced under Pareto principle.

No, Business Doesn't follow Pareto principle
Yes, Business is influence based on Stores operational area
No, Email and Homepage promotion are not Influencing orders of the Store