Web Scraping Project

Problem Statement

Need to scrape the details of top 5 “New & Trending” Game details from URL: Web Page url

  • For every game, find out the number of positive reviews and name of developer and publisher
  • Find out the system requirements
  • And 10 reviews for each game
  • Project URL: Web_scraping-project

Project Approch and Solution:

The First Step is to Inspect the Respected Web Page to Find the HTML Tag used for the Particular Game and its Class, Using Beautifulsoup4 we can Extract the Text Files Inside the Html Tags, So we need to install Beautiful soup and Request,Check my Blog: How to Install Using the Beautifulsoup4 and Request Library we can get our Required information

The Approch i have used is to Find the Class name and use that by inspecting it in the Webpage and extract the information which is needed, by the help of loop we initially Extract the Urls of the top 5 Games in the Latest and Trending list, after getting the url using that url well Create a custom loop which will extract the Information of Particular game with the Outer loop we'll Repeat it for the other 4 Games

The Solution is Stored in a Tabular Formate Check Out the Results: -->>>Here<<<--